Vol. 109, No. 17, October 22, 2024
Next Meeting 
When:Thursday, October 24, 2024
What:Social Gathering
Where:Irish Pub, 1910 West Saginaw, Lansing
Time:4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Refreshments:Irish Nachos, Reuben Egg Rolls, Mac Bites, Pizzas and a Cash Bar
Chair of the Month:Bob Hoffman
Editarian:Michelle Reynaert
International Grants
The grant period for the International Grants will be open from October 15th to November 15th, 2024.  The link for the application is below:
Legacy Society
We are grateful to the following Rotarians and their spouses who have made this significant commitment that will be transformational to our Club's grantmaking - forever!  They have designated The Rotary Club of Lansing Foundation Endowment in memory of Jack Bates at the Community Foundation in their estate plan or made a cash gift of $10,000 or more to this fund.
Ken Beachler
Ted Abrahms
Jack & Margaret Bates
Bill & Marilyn Cochran
Robert Fisher
Kurt & Barbara Guter
Heidi McNaughton
Helen & Charles Mickens
Irv Nichols
George & Marilyn Nugent
Club/Foundation Treasurer Position
We are seeking nominations for someone to serve as Treasurer for both the Club and our Club’s Foundation. The primary function of the Treasurer is to exercise oversight over Club and Foundation funds and ensure that budgetary control is appropriately maintained. The Treasurer serves as a member of both the Club’s board of directors and the Foundation’s board of directors. A detailed job description is available from Cathy or Club President Rebecca Bahar-Cook. If you are interested in this position please contact Cathy, as we would like to elect the new Treasurer for our next fiscal year. Please feel free to talk with Treasurer Jennifer Marsh about the position if you have questions.  Thank you, 
Editarian Report for October 18, 2024
President Rebecca brought the meeting to order with the usual ringing of the Rotary bell and all rose to recite the four-way test. Next, Bilky Joda-Miller gave her self-written reflection which centered on the path one takes to kindness, well done. John Dale Smith led us in the singing of the National Anthem, President Rebecca remarked how good we sounded this week, I am sure it had nothing to do with the DeWitt High School students being so close to the open microphones!
Linda Sarnelli circulated the giant microphone for introduction of visiting Rotarians and guests.
President Rebecca asked if anyone had any news on the health of the club. Met with crickets must mean all is well, which is always a good thing.
Special music was introduced by Meghan Eldred-Woolsey the director of the DeWitt High School Choir and Musical Theatre. Meghan introduced a half dozen of her students starring in their theatrical production of Footloose. The students were all impressive with their vocals as they sang two numbers “Almost Paradise” and “Heaven Help Me”.
President Rebbecca moved to club announcements with the first request for someone to take over the club’s Treasurer role due to the term limit of current Treasurer Jennifer Marsh. President Rebbecca announced that the club’s board of directors had recently approved corporate memberships with policies and procedures to come. Finally, International Grants are now open a link can be found in the Rotagram for projects to be submitted.
Bob Hoffman introduced our speaker Dr. John Papapolymerou, currently he serves as the interim Dean of Michigan State University’s College of Engineering. Dr. Papapolymerou spoke to us on insights of business industry and higher education collaborating for workforce and economic development.
Dr. Papapolymerou started with some facts about the current enrollment of the College of Engineering, with approximately 7,100 students, of which 6,200 are pursuing undergraduate degrees and approximately 900 graduate students. The college offers 12 bachelor of science degrees and 11 graduate degrees. In addition, the college currently has $71 million in research funding.
Statistically 60% of graduates remain in Michigan, which creates a significant economic impact in our state. The college has a 93% placement rate for graduates entering the full time workforce. The majority of graduates stay in the Midwest after obtaining their degrees. MSU College of Engineering prides itself on students who graduate with strong technical skills, but just as important strong communication skills which assists in bringing employers to campus knowing these graduates possess the skills they are in need of hiring.
One of the current initiatives in the college is focusing on the development of artificial intelligence (AI) with an ethical emphasis on the implementation of this new technology. This is new degree offering at MSU that has been developed with input from leaders in the industry in order to bring the skillsets desired by the industry.
In addition to offering bachelor and graduate of science degree programs, MSU also provides continuing education to those already in industry. This enhances MSU’s corporate engagement, cooperation and collaboration efforts with industry leaders though out the country.
Other initiatives are aimed at current students as well as recruiting high school students gain more interest in what a degree in engineering, especially at Michigan State University. Some examples include competitions in solar powered vehicle competitions, a race car team and Star X team (think Ironman exoskeleton suits) to introduction to engineering days to recruit the next pipeline of students. This past year students competed in a competition for AI Indy race cars, which doesn’t sound like a big deal in today’s AI world with self-driving cars, but the technology requires really fast AI thinking if your want the car to go really fast.
After numerous great questions, the meeting was brought to a close by President Rebecca, with a reminder the club has a social gathering on Thursday at the Irish Pub, so if you show up at LCC on Friday it will be a lonely meeting and the lunch offering may be lacking.
Email for Tim Adams is:  TAdams@manercpa.com 
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Political Science at Jackson College
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View entire list
Rotary Club of Lansing
P. O. Box 13156
Lansing, MI   48901-3156
Meeting Responsibilities
Chair of the Month
Hoffman, Robert
Reynaert, Michelle
Chair of the Month for November
Garcia, Joseph
Birthday Chair for October
Mardigian, Raeanne