Posted by Chris Swope
We finally met in person! For the first time in over a year and for the only time of President Julie’s term our Club joined together without video screens separating us.
How wonderful it was to be together at Rotary Park, which our Club had such a big part in making a reality. About 60 Rotarians gathered. It was a great opportunity to meet a few of our new members in person and to see some old friends.
We did not have a program for the gathering but were serenaded by John Dale Smith on the keyboard. We were honored to have Mayor Andy Schor join. Both President Julie and Mayor Schor gave brief remarks; the Mayor, who thanked the Club for its part in creating Rotary Park. He also highlighted some of the plans to bring more people to the park, including the Lansing Shuffleboard that will be going into the former City Market building.
It was really wonderful to see everyone and to be able to mix and mingle, something we have all missed during the course of this pandemic. Everyone seemed eager and excited at the prospect of returning to our normal in-person meetings very soon.
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