Apply for a Grant from the Rotary Club of Lansing Foundation
Rescue South Sudan Village People (RSSVP) was founded over a decade ago by Abraham Majak and his older brother, Isaac.
After their village was attacked by marauders from the north of Sudan and their father killed, the young boys became part of the exodus of children called the Lost Boys of Sudan. After many years in refugee camps, the brothers were brought to the US, Isaac to Boston and Abe, a minor, to Holt, Michigan. The brothers founded RSSVP to give back to those left behind and to help rebuild the country of their birth.
Initial Help from Rotary
The first step was to obtain land on which to build the school. The village elders donated land sufficient to build a school containing eight rooms and latrines. Next was to restore a source of water so that the girls would not spend their days seeking fresh water sources. RSSVP raised funds, of which the Lansing Rotary Club was a significant donor, to repair a well that had been damaged and unusable for 20 years and to dig a new well. Subsequently, the new South Sudanese government built a third well in anticipation of the new school. Over the past several years, donations from private donors, Rotary, the R.E.O. Foundation, and others have enabled RSSVP to build the first half of the proposed school.
Continued Help from Rotary
Most recently, donations by various Michigan Rotary Clubs enabled RSSVP to complete the last parts of the four classrooms—the floor, doors, and windows. Grants by the International Committee of the Rotary Club of Lansing and our District 6360 are enabling RSSVP to purchase the desks and chairs for the teachers, blackboards, the tables and benches for the students, and school supplies such as textbooks, pencils, and notepads. Abe travelled to Africa to oversee this last part and to open the school.
Each of the four completed classrooms can hold at least 30 students, with grades 1-4 being taught. This will enable all of the children of Majok-Chedhiop to attend plus accommodate other children from neighboring villages within walking distance. Once fundraising and construction for the remaining four classrooms is complete, grades 5-8 will be added.
Rotary Club of Lansing Foundation Grant Program Policies
- Local Community Grants
- Signature Grants
- Community Impact Grants
- International Grants
- Emergency Needs
- Projects serving residents of Ingham, Clinton or Eaton counties
- Projects serving an underserved or disadvantaged population
- Projects enhancing cultural or economic elements of the community
- Projects demonstrating a unique or emerging need that is unmet by another organization
- Grants will be made to organizations and groups that are qualified under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or to churches, schools, governmental units, or another Rotary Club.
- One project per organization per grant cycle will be awarded
- All applicants are encouraged to provide a letter of support

Local Funding Categories and Maximum Grant Requests:
Community Grants (grants up to $10,000)
Signature Grants (grants up to $25,000 to $50,000)
Other Grants
- The goal of the Community Impact grant is for Lansing Rotary to be a lead grantor (catalyst) for projects designed and implemented to benefit the Lansing area.
- Community Impact grants are identified by the Foundation and not through an application process.
- Grants will not be made to cover unrestricted capital campaigns, endowments, litigation costs, religious programming, deficit funding or debt retirement.
- Grants will not be made directly to individuals.
- Applicants with unmet obligations on prior grants may not apply.

Grant Review Process:
- Applications will be reviewed by the Rotary Club of Lansing Foundation administrator for eligibility.
- A review panel will be appointed and will consist of Rotary Club of Lansing Foundation board members, who are elected on the basis of their familiarity with, and expertise in, a broad spectrum of nonprofit organizations programming and reach. During the review panel meeting, applications are discussed, evaluated and scored according to the guidelines and selection criteria.
- The panel may opt to recommend full or partial funding to any eligible applicant.
- Decisions of the community review panel may not be appealed.
- The Rotary Club of Lansing Foundation board of directors’ reviews and makes final decisions regarding the community review panel’s recommendations prior to notification and announcement of grants.
Selection Criteria:
- Project Description – Complete, descriptive project narrative including the who, what, where, when, why and how. The use of funds must be for a high quality, exemplary project that addresses the Rotary Club of Lansing Foundation purpose.
- Impact on Community - Merit of the proposed project’s impact upon the community and target audience.
- Management - Feasibility of the project and ability of the organization to undertake and complete the project.
- Evaluation and Measurement of Outcomes – description of how and what measures you will use to define success.