Growing our club ensures we’ll be a vibrant, impactful organization for decades and generations to come. Recruitment is everyone’s responsibility! Not sure where to start? Consider sending an email like the one below to someone you know - a friend, a business colleague, a client or a community member. (KUDOS and copy-credits to Courtney Millbrook on Sample 1 – we’re poaching her email for a good purpose.)

SAMPLE #1: Send to a prospective guest or member!
Hi Deb,
It was great to see you last week. Thank you for inviting me to the Client Appreciate event. I am writing to follow up on our quick conversation about Lansing Rotary. We would love to have you explore joining our club. I would be happy to explain to you more about the process and responsibilities of membership, but first – you should come check out a meeting or two!
On Fridays, we meet at LCC downtown in the Michigan Room on the lower level of the Gannon Building. There is free parking in the Gannon Parking Ramp. Our meetings start at 12:30 BUT lunch is served starting at noon so you’ll want to arrive in time to get some food and meet people.
Here is the upcoming schedule: You can also find it at
Nov 16: Social Gathering on THURSDAY 11/16 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Lansing Brewing
Nov 24: No Meeting due to Thanksgiving holiday
Dec. 1: Takura Nyamfukudza, Criminal Defense Attorney, "Constitutional Warrior"
If you know in advance that you are coming, let me know so we can connect and I will introduce you. I am also copying Michelle Reynaert, Nick Heriford, and Rebecca Bahar-Cook on this email so if I’m not there one of them can make sure you get introduced! And of course, they will also bug you to visit and join our great Club!
SAMPLE #2: Send to a recent guest!
Hi, Dione!
Thanks again for joining me at a recent Rotary Club of Lansing meeting. I'm delighted that you are interested in learning more about the club. You can come as a guest again any time you wish. Joining is simple; I'll be your sponsor, and will be happy to answer any questions you have!
You need to attend two more meetings as a guest before you can submit your application. Here is the schedule of upcoming opportunities: Let me know when you're planning to attend; I'll be sure to meet you there or connect you with one of my fellow Rotarians to do so if I can't be there myself. That's the great thing about Rotary - while we'd love you to be there every week, we know that life happens. Membership is flexible and being a Rotarian means you catch a club almost anywhere in the world if you're not in town for your own club meeting.
I truly think the Club will fill both your personal and professional 'buckets'. See you soon!